Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life Skills Co-Op Student Logo

Life Skills Co-Op Student T-Shirt Design.

I figured that since they help around the school and sell Starbucks coffee, I can use the "older" Starbucks Logo as a theme and a a but of Mcluhan into it.
Truth be told, I have no idea what is going on behind this logo, it just cam to me. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Calendar and Agenda.

Calender Cover

Agenda Cover

Personally, I would like to say that the agenda cover did not reach my ideals due to time restraints.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Current WIP [to be completed]

Agenda Cover
Being greatly influenced by comics, I intend the to have characters from a cliched highschool clique featured on the agenda cover and back, reflecting school life.

Calendar Cover (?)
My intent here was simply to Daze and confuse the viewer using repetitive patterns. You can say it reflects the outlook of ones busy future. This Idea is meerly an idea. I will probably use a similar idea using the school logo.