Friday, September 23, 2011

Part A: What is Graphic Design

a) What is the purpose of Graphic Design? 
to communicate a message via images and type. 
b) What 5 steps should you consider when beginning a design project?
Steps in the Graphic Design Process:
  • Analyze the audience.
  • Determine the purpose of your message.
  • Decide where and how your message will appear (whether it will be a printed publication, presentation, or web site).
  • Establish goals.
  • Organize text and graphics.
  • Choose an appropriate format and layout.
  • Select appropriate typefaces, type sizes, type styles, and spacing.
  • Add and manipulate graphics.
  • Organize text and graphics.
  • Proofread
  • Refine and fine-tune.
c) What is the a layout? What purpose does a good layout serve? 
A layout is the arrangement of graphics in the said work. 
d) List 5 guidelines for a good layout.
General Guidelines for Layouts:
  • Determine the purpose of your publication, presentation, or web site before you begin your layout.
  • Establish the primary message you want to present and plan your layout around it.
  • Choose an appropriate type of media (web page, presentation, printed book, newsletter, or brochure, etc.) and a size.
  • Identify the target audience, then write and design the publication, presentation, or web site keeping this audience in mind.
  • Consider their interests, reading levels, background, etc.
e) How should layouts be organized? 
Layouts should be made appealing to the eye of its viewer allowing easier interpretation. 
f) What should a designer do when capturing their reader’s attention? 
Designers must consider how reader’s will read the information they have provided.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Typography Assignment

Taken into a different direction; rather than working with a famous Canadian, I requested to have the assignment produced in relation to ArtsFest 2011: Write On.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life Skills Co-Op Student Logo

Life Skills Co-Op Student T-Shirt Design.

I figured that since they help around the school and sell Starbucks coffee, I can use the "older" Starbucks Logo as a theme and a a but of Mcluhan into it.
Truth be told, I have no idea what is going on behind this logo, it just cam to me.